Outpatient Surgery

Convenience, Comfort, and Clarity
The surgery center at the Delaware Eye Institute combines the most modern eye surgery technology and technique with a warm and friendly atmosphere. This combination promises patients an unparalleled surgical experience.
Modern cataract surgery has undergone a revolution in the past decade. Today, cataract surgery is less invasive than many dental procedures. The newest-generation equipment offered at the Delaware Eye Institute is more efficient and gentle on the eye. This efficiency leads to more patient comfort, less inflammation, more rapid recovery and better visual outcomes.
Is there anything I need to know before surgery?
Upon arrival, patients will check-in with our receptionist. At that time, the receptionist will review and help the patient complete their admission paperwork. Patients are then invited to our pre-op area for the administration of any necessary medications. While entering pre-op patients will be asked to wash their face and hands. It is not necessary to disrobe for most procedures, but shoes will be removed. Dentures, prosthetics, and hearing aids (except for the surgical side ear) may remain in. Vital signs will be monitored and the operative eye dilated. Once the patient is comfortably settled, they may have a family member join them. Patients are generally instructed to refrain from eating or drinking after midnight before a procedure. However, heart and blood pressure medications should usually be taken. All patients must make sure they understand their physician’s pre-op instructions.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is There A Place For My Family?
Patient family members are invited to remain with the patient during their stay in pre-op and recovery. Family members may, with the patient’s permission, observe the procedure through a closed-circuit television system connected to the surgeon’s operating microscope.
What Can I Expect During The Surgery?
During surgery, most patients remain aware of their surroundings. They can hear voices and music, but don’t feel any discomfort.
Once The Surgery Is Over Is There Anything I Need To Know?
Post-op instructions are reviewed and copy given to the patient for use at home. Patients must be released into the care of a responsible adult. Please do not plan on driving yourself home.
How Long Can I Expect The Whole Process To Be?
For most patients, the entire experience at the center only takes about 90 minutes.